Posttraumatic stress disorder, childhood trauma and health behaviors in victims of intimate partner violence
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is considered a serious public health problem and a significant risk factor for women’s health. In Portugal, studies focusing on the investigation of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), childhood trauma, and health behaviors in victims of IPV are scarce. This research aimed to analyse the effects of childhood victimization and of IPV on PTSD symptoms and health behaviors in a sample of Portuguese women, including victims and non-victims of IPV (n=117). The participants’ ages ranged from 19 to 74 years (M=37.76; SD=14.85). Differences between women with and without IPV in childhood trauma, PTSD symptoms, and health behaviors were also examined. Results indicated that women who are victims of IPV experience higher levels of childhood abuse and PTSD symptoms and engage in fewer health behaviors compared to non-victimized women. Childhood physical and emotional abuse along with psychological aggression in adulthood are the strongest predictors of PTSD symptoms. Childhood sexual abuse and sexual coercion in adulthood contribute to a lower engagement in health behaviors. This study underscores the impact of IPV on mental health and highlights the need to design effective interventions that prevent future revictimization and promote healthy behaviors among victims.
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