Relationship between socio-demographic, clinical and psychosocial variables in patients with Type 2 Diabetes
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between socio-demographic, clinical and psychosocial variables in patients with Type 2 Diabetes and to establish comparative patterns between genders with this disorder.
Patients from a primary care center were assessed through a researcher design form and through the HADS, the ESSS and the PSQI.
A total of 90 patients with Type 2 Diabetes were enrolled in this study (50% women), with a mean age of 56.67±6.41 years. The HADS depression presented a score of 3.77±2.98 and 6.70% of the sample revealed depression symptoms. As to anxiety, the HADS presented scores of 7.27±5.07 with 36.60% of the subjects revealing anxiety symptoms. Regarding social support, the results were positive and similar between genders. When it comes to sleep, the sample presented a PSQI of 8.68±2.87, with 73.30% of patients revealing poor sleep quality and 24.40% showing a sleep disorder. When comparing genders, women had higher anxiety (♀ 9.73±5.58; ♂ 4.80±2.91; p=0.000) and depression scores (♀ 4.26±2.69; ♂ 3.26±3.19; p=0.026), and worse sleep quality (♀ 9.88±7.46; ♂ 7.46±2.34; p=0.000).
In conclusion, we can state that anxiety symptoms are very prevalent in patients with Type 2 Diabetes and women are more vulnerable to anxiety, depression symptoms and poor sleep quality.Keywords
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