Parenting styles, academic adaptation and psychological well-being in young adults

Maria Bárbara Granja, Catarina Pinheiro Mota


The development of secure attachment relationships with significant figures and parenting styles suggests that they play an important role for the young adult in the transition and adaptation to external challenges, in particular, adaptation to the academic context and maintenance of psychological well-being. The present study aimed to analyze the role of parenting styles in the academic adaptation and psychological well-being of young adults as well as to test the moderating role of gender in the previous association. The sample consisted of 787 university students aged 18 to 25 years (M=20.07, SD=1.7). The results point to a positive predictor effect of psychological well-being in relation to academic adaptation. It was also found that there is a gender moderating effect on the association between the authoritative parenting style, to father and mother, and academic adjustment.


Parenting styles, Academic adjustment, Psychological well-being.


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