Social representations of HIV/AIDS for adolescents: A structural approach

Jefferson Luiz de Cerqueira Castro, José Victor de Oliveira Santos, Ludgleydson Fernandes de Araújo, André Faro, Ana Paula Porto da Rocha, Sara Teles Reis


The objective of the present research was to understand and analyze the social representations of adolescents about the HIV and AIDS in the Brazil. The sample consisted of 576 adolescents, with a mean age of 15.67 years (SD=1.66). Was used the technique of free association of words, with the inductive words “HIV” and “AIDS”, which was investigated by prototypical analysis, with the support of software Iramuteq. This analysis makes it possible to define the structure of a social representation from evocations of words, which allows us to observe the central kernel and the peripheral system of social representation. Among the findings, it is noted definition of the word “disease” as the center and its contour defining the “death” as the first periphery, which reinforces the belief that HIV/AIDS is a fatal disease. In the other areas of the peripheral system there are aspects related to affectivity, as well as knowledge about dissemination and preventive practices. In this way, the respondents are aware of the causes, treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, but there is a need to implement public policies that take these knowledge into account and stimulate them.


HIV, AIDS, Social Representations, Teenager.


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