Dominant Affective Temperaments and its variance among people with depression, bipolar disorder, and a non-clinical sample: Validation of the Affective Temperament Questionnaire (ATQ)
Affective temperaments are frequently described as a biologically determined early emerging variation in emotional reactivity, with solid temporal stability. We aimed to analyse affective temperament variation and dominance while adapting and translating the Affective Temperament Questionnaire (ATQ) to European Portuguese in both clinical (Major Depressive Disorder – MDD and Bipolar Disorder – BD) and non-clinical samples. ATQ was administered to 42 subjects with MDD, 64 with BD and 411 non-clinical. A 3-factor model CFA was performed (comprising hyperthymic, cyclothymic and dysthymic temperaments), revealing good adjustment and acceptable internal consistency levels. ATQ subscales showed a general higher internal consistency in people with mood disorders. Support for convergent validity was found. BD and MDD presented higher prevalence in Cyclothymic and Dysthymic temperaments than non-clinical, although they did not differ significantly between them regarding the last one. Findings suggest ATQ is a valid and reliable self-report measure to assess affective temperaments in the Portuguese population and proved to be acceptable for either clinical or non-clinical samples. This measure can be applied to detect early vulnerability to affective disorders, which can be very helpful in clinical settings and primary care.
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