The influence of meaning in life and depression in multiple sclerosis

Catarina Ramos Pinto, Marina Guerra


This study aims to analyze the influence of meaning in life, social support, anxiety and depression in the quality of life of people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). A sample of 30 individuals with a confirmed medical diagnosis, being 56.7% women and with an average age of 48.17 years, answered the following instruments: socio-demographic and clinical questionnaire; Meaning in Life Scale; Portuguese version of the Instrumental-Expressive Social-Support ScaleHADS and WHOQOL-Bref. The regression model pointed out the following determinants for the different quality of life domains: for the General facet and Social Relations domain, the Depression; for the Physical domain, Depression and Phenotypes of MS; and for the Psychological and Environmentdomains the Meaning in Life and Anxiety. This study points out the relevance of psychological intervention in the improvement of quality of life in MS and, in particular, the importance of the reduction of anxious and depressive symptomatology and rediscovery of the meaning in life.


Quality of life, Multiple sclerosis, Anxiety, Depression, Meaning in life, Social support.


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