I arrived first! Autochthony and national nostalgia as mechanisms of prejudice reduction

Nivalda Novo Reis, Rita Guerra


The present study explored new mechanisms through which the common in-group identity model (Gaertner & Dovidio, 2000) improves intergroup attitudes. Specifically, it explored if common in-group identities (i.e., one group and dual identity) improve intergroup attitudes, by reducing feelings of national nostalgia, autochthony beliefs and, and outgroup negative emotions, toward migrants groups living in Portugal (i.e., africans, brazilians and ukrainians). Participants (305 Portuguese citizens) filled in a questionnaire with all the measures of interest. Results showed, as predicted, that one group representations were associated with more positive intergroup attitudes (i.e., less social distance and increased warmth), by reducing autochthony beliefs and outgroup negative emotions. However, contrary to the hypothesized, common in-group identities were not associated with positive outgroup attitudes, by reducing feelings of national nostalgia. This work showed, for the first time, that inclusive identities are a potential strategy to reduce support for autochthony beliefs, thereby promoting more positive attitudes and a successful integration of immigrants arriving in Europe.


Common in-group identity, National nostalgia, Autochthony, Intergroup relations.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14417/ap.1411


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