Pretest of images for the beauty dimension

Joana Mello, Filipe Loureiro


In this work, we present norms concerning the perceived association of two sets of image stimuli with the concept of “beauty”: 40 objects (Study 1) and 40 photos of human faces (Study 2). Participants were presented with a set of words associated with the construct of “beauty” and were subsequently asked to judge each image on how much they considered them to be related with this construct on a 7-point scale (1 - Not at all related; 7 - Very related). The interpretation of means’ confidence intervals distinguish between 40 images, evaluated as “ugly” – with low scores on the beauty dimension - (20 objects and 20 faces), and 28 images evaluated as “beautiful” – with high scores on the beauty dimension - (12 objects and 16 faces). Results are summarized and photos made available to support future research requiring beauty and/or ugly stimulus.



Norms; Beauty; Ugly; People; Objects


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