Social skills in adopted adolescents: A comparative study with non adopted and in residencial care adolescents

Raquel Barroso, Maria Barbosa-Ducharne, Orlanda Cruz, Ana Silva


Adopted adolescents are frequently identified as being at risk in terms of social competence. This study aimed at analysing the social competence of a group of adopted adolescents, by comparing them with a group of adolescents in residential care and another one with no referral to Child Protection Services. One-hundred-thirty-five adolescents aged from 12 to 17 participated in this study, 45 of whom were adopted, 45 were in residential care and 45 were living with their birth families. Adolescents assessed their social competence through the Social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales. Results showed statistically significant differences among the groups. Adopted adolescents displayed more social skills and less behaviour problems than adolescents in residential care and less social skills but more behaviour problems than those living with their birth families. Furthermore, the later the adoptees had been placed in out of home care, the less social skills they presented. These findings highlight the pressing need of child protection policies and practices to ensure adoptees’ healthy social competence.


Adopted adolescent, Adoption, Behaviour problems, Social skills, Residential care.


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