Construction and psychometric study of Work Orientation Questionnaire

Liliana Alexandra Pitacho, Patrícia Jardim Palma, Pedro Miguel Correia


The work orientation refers to the purpose that the work serves in the life of each individual and entails great implications for individuals and for organizations, too. The present study was aimed at the construction and psychometric study of a work orientation questionnaire. For this purpose, we conducted a qualitative study was carried out with 9 participants to questionnaire construction. In its final version this questionnaire has 38 items divided by three independent scales, calling, career and job. The psychometric study, in turn, counted on 747 respondents, 433 females and 307 males, with an average age of 40.38 years (SD=9.58), distributed by different sectors and areas of activity. The results allowed to confirm the tri-factorial structure of the questionnaire as well as the unidimensional of the scales, and they present a high value of Dillon-Goldstein’s rho, namely. 8702 for the employment scale, . 8275 for the career scale and .8903 for the calling scale. In sum, the results obtained prove the existence of three independent dimensions, career, job and calling, as well as the internal consistency and unidimensional of the scales presented.


Work orientation, Questionnaire, Mix method.


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