Parenting styles, social skills and the mediational role of personality in adolescents and young adults

Catarina Pinheiro Mota, Sara Duarte Ferreira


Affective experiences lived in the family have a privileged role in the development of young people. This research aimed to analyze the effect of parenting styles in the development of social skills of young people. It was also tested the mediating role of personality. The sample included 1976 young, 14 to 25 years aged. The results show that empathy, assertiveness and self-control were positively predicted by democratic style, and assertiveness and self-control were negatively predicted by permissive style. The data also suggested the positive mediating effect of personality on the association between democratic style and social skills, and a negative mediating effect on the association between permissive style and social skills.


Parenting styles, Social skills, Personality.


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