The impact of intervention programs for improving textual production in children of 4th grade

Ana Cristina Silva, Sandra Borges, Tiago Almeida, Sónia Quintão


Explicit feedback is an important factor in the revision process to give children’s clues to evaluate their own narrative text (McCurdy, Skinner, Watson, & Shriver, 2008. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a narrative writing programme where the experiment gave to 4th grade children an instrument to revise their text. The participants were 71 children from 4th grade, from classrooms were teachers hardly gave them instructions about the structure of narrative texts. Children were divided in 3 different experimental groups that were submitted to 3 different types of writing programmes and 1 control group. Children were equivalent on cognitive level and on language development. Each experimental group, had to write down, 17 narrative texts, one for session. Children from experimental group 1 and 2 were given an instrument with a narrative structure to evaluate by their own means the quality of their text. Children from experimental group 3 were only asked to revise the text, without any further instruction. Control group children spent the same amount of time in math exercises and reading. The children from all experimental group improved the quality of their narrative when compared with children from control group, according PROESC criteria. However, the texts from children of experimental group, 1, 2 and 3 had not significant different in what concerns to children’s evolution from pre to post-test. This suggest the importance of the image sequence as support for children’s revision process.


Narrative texts, Text revision, Auto-regulate learning.


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