Positive Traits Inventory: Psychometric analyses of a short form
The aim of this paper was generating a short form of the Positive Traits Inventory (PTI-5-SF) by means of three consecutive studies, using a cross-sectional design. The first study tested the psychometric properties of the shorter version of PTI-5. Results showed that a 25-item scale was appropriate to capture the five positive traits of the Positive Personality Model (PPM). In the second
study, the PTI-5-SF was used to replicate the analyses of PPM traits and different job outcomes, such as performance, satisfaction, and well-being. Here we found that the PPM traits, as measured by the
short form, increased the variance explained by the normal traits in all job outcomes. The third study replicated the explicative model of academic achievement that included PPM traits as background variables. Fit indexes and effects were as expected and replicated the results found with the long form. The PTI-5-SF can be recommended as an appropriate measure of PPM traits since its psychometric properties proved to be adequate and the results obtained with the long form were appropriately replicated with the short form.
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