Testing the indirect effects of personality traits on the relationship between work overload and technostress
Abstract: The widespread adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) resulted in a new form of work culture in which boundaries are not clearly established. Technostress – a phenomenon partially caused by excessive technology exposure and usage – is being associated with a myriad of negative effects. However, individual differences, such as personality traits, might influence one’s experience of stress when using ICT. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the indirect effects of personality traits on the relationship between work overload and technostress. A sample of 213 ICT Brazilian workers (Mage=35.53±9.41; 64.8% males) provided information on demographic and laborrelated data, as well as measurements of Technostress, Work Overload, and Personality Traits; moreover, based on a coefficient of determination (ñ2=.12), the power achieved was 99%. Adjusted for multiple comparisons, results pointed to moderate, significant links between Fatigue and Neuroticism (ñ=.32), Fatigue and Work Overload (ñ=.37), Anxiety and Work Overload (ñ=.33). Moreover, Conscientiousness exerted an indirect effect on the relationship between Work Overload and the Technostress dimension of Fatigue (95%CI: .001, .06). The study highlights the role of individual differences that might prevent workers’ experiences of technostress, particularly Fatigue.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14417/ap.2078
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