Respect and sympathy in Portuguese preschoolers and middle-school children
Abstract: Recent research has revealed theorical and empirical links between respect and socioemotional outcomes such as moral emotions and prosociality, as well as negative associations with aggression. The ability to sympathize, feel concern, and be aware of other’s states has also been hypothesized to influence how children conceptualize respect and evaluate behaviors as worthy of respect. The development of respect derives from the ability to recognize others as individuals with unique needs, feelings, and desires. Similarly, like respect, sympathy has also been associated with more altruistic and kinder interactions. The present study aims to explore the link between these two socioemotional constructs – respect and sympathy – while considering possible cultural nuances. Fifty-three children answered the Respect Interview which delved into their conceptualizations, evaluations, and reasonings behind respect (the concept, expressions, and examples of feeling respect from others), and the Sympathy Scale. Parents also reported on their children’s sympathy and sociodemographic data. A positive effect between sympathy and respect was only partially confirmed. Sympathy revealed a positive effect on prosocial conceptualizations of respect (χ2=3.85, p<.05; b=.90). In contrast, children who used authority themes to define expressions of respect, were less sympathetic [t(51)=-1.86, p<.05]. Sociodemographic differences were considered and discussed when analysing both variables. Our results are in line with previous literature and contribute to knowledge in this field by replicating the study in a different culture and age range.
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