Valence word processing in preference vs. lexical decision tasks: Insights from muscle blocking procedures

Gonçalo Aires Oliveira, Ana Domingos, Teresa Garcia-Marques


Processing is oriented by goals that determine the details of the stimuli to be attended. Previous studies claim that the determination of word valence (neutral, positive, or negative) is prioritized at early processing stages. This effect of immediate processing of affective information is supported by behavioral and psychophysiological evidence. Here we address this primacy of affect hypothesis in word processing by performing different blocking procedures on the facial muscles relevant for processing the affective dimension of the stimuli on preference (Experiment 1) and lexical decision tasks (Experiment 2). The results show that not only evaluative judgments were disturbed by blocking procedures, but that the same result occurred when the affective information was irrelevant to the task. Evidence shows similar interference from blocking facial muscle activity on affective word processing in both experiments, with procedures that immobilize the zygomatic muscle having a greater impact on the processing of positive words. We discuss the informative role of demonstrating these effects as occurring regardless of the processing goal, highlighting different patterns associated with the various blocking procedures.


Affect, Processing goals, Embodiment, Muscle blocking.

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