Family functioning and conflict resolution strategies in fraternal context
Different family characteristics can influence the tactics used by siblings to resolve conflicts. The present study analyzes the relationship between family functioning (measured by Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales – FACES IV) and conflict resolution tactics (evaluated through the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales – Sibling Version). The sample consisted of 353 subjects (aged between 12 and 18 years old). The results indicated that male siblings make the most use of physical assault. With regard to the relationship between family functioning and conflict resolution tactics, the balanced dimensions of family functioning are positively associated with appropriate conflict resolution tactics (negotiation), with the opposite of the unbalanced dimensions of family functioning, which present positive associations with aggression (physical and/or psychological). The results suggest a predictive effect of the quality of family functioning in the conflict resolution tactics used in the fraternal context. Therefore, it seems necessary to work with families, with the aim of increasing their skills, and thus improve the management of conflicts in the fraternal context.
Family functioning, FACES IV, CTS2-SP, Sibling violence.
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