Self-concept in persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disability in Portugal: A systematic review

Inês Fonseca, Bruno Almeida, Sara Roldão, Rita Jesus, Joana Lopes, Sofia Santos


The new paradigm emphasizing the subjective perspective of the person with Intellectual and Developmental Disability as an active agent in their own life, has impact and is impacted by self-concept. National research about self-concept of this subgroup is still scarce. This systematic review aims to identify and characterize factors that influence the self-concept of these individuals. Research was made based in numerous databases. Studies were considered eligible if related to self-concept, had an empirical part, included national samples and with open access. Studies were submitted to various selection processes till the final methodological evaluation process. Eight studies were considered eligible, two of them analyzed physical activity (PA) influence, and the others studied the influence of other aspects (e.g., deinstitutionalisation) on self-concept of people with IDD. All studies samples comprised 1 to 50 persons between 8 and 65 years, with mild to moderate IDD. Regarding the quality of studies, six were classified as “strong” and two as “moderate”. There are numerous aspects that influence positively the self-concept of persons with IDD, specially a good network of social support, and good parenting education. On a self-esteem’s level, it’s important to emphasize the positive influence of PA engagement as well as deinstitutionalization. More research in self-concept measures validation for people with IDD and its psychometric analysis, the identification of self-concept’ determinants, the monitoring of deinstitutionalization process and the identification of strategies and person-centred plans are some of the recommendations for attitudes change towards persons with ID.


Self-concept, Self-esteem, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Disability, Portugal.


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