Perceived job insecurity and sickness presenteeism among public service employees: Moderated mediation model of organisational culture and gender
Previous research efforts have concentrated on the link between personal factors and sickness presenteeism, with few attempts to research the roles of contextual factors such as organisational culture and perceived job insecurity. Also, the mechanism through which the link exists has not been examined across the gender divide. Therefore, this paper examined the moderated mediation effects of gender on the relationship between perceived job insecurity and sickness presenteeism through organisational culture. A total of 244 (F=140; M=104) respondents participated in the study. The Stanford Presenteeism Scale and Job Insecurity and Organisational Culture scales were used for data collection. Results of the correlation analysis revealed that perceived job insecurity is negatively associated with organisational culture and sickness presenteeism. It also revealed that organisational culture is positively related to sickness presenteeism. The Hayes PROCESS macro analysis showed that organisational culture mediated the relationship between perceived job insecurity and sickness presenteeism. Furthermore, the results of the moderated mediation analysis showed that gender moderated the mediating role of organisational culture in the relationship between perceived job insecurity and sickness presenteeism. The study concluded that the indirect effect of perceived job insecurity on sickness presenteeism through organisational culture was higher among female respondents than their male counterparts.
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