Depressive symptoms and self-criticism: The mediating role of self-regulation and the moderating role of non-suicidal self-injury
Abstract: Introduction: Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is common among college students and is best understood as a self-soothing method for dealing with aversive emotional states. Aims: To analyse
the pathway that sustains the association between NSSI, depressive symptomatology, emotion dysregulation and self-criticism in college students. Method: Three hundred eighty-five students (85.2% females) between 18 and 35 years old (M=20.71; SD=2.80) were evaluated. Results: In the non-NSSI and past-NSSI groups, higher depression increases self-criticism without impairing emotional regulation, a result that was not observed in the current-NSSI group. Therefore, emotion regulation mediated the relationship between depression and self-criticism, but only for the participants
with current NSSI. Discussion: NSSI constitute a public health problem during college years. Overall, depressive symptomatology, emotional dysregulation, and self-criticism seem to contribute to a risk profile for the presence and maintenance of NSSI, thus being important for prevention, identification, and clinical intervention on university campuses.
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