The role of digital addiction and self-efficacy on academic procrastination: A Turkish pre-service teachers’ case

Caner Börekci, Nihat Uyangör


The study examined the relationships between digital addictions, academic self-efficacy, and academic procrastination among pre-service teachers. The sample included 549 pre-service teachers who participated voluntarily, with 412 females and 137 males enrolled in various disciplines. Two models were constructed to investigate these relationships. The initial model showed negative relations between addiction to digital media or tools, academic self-efficacy, and the ability to complete academic tasks on time. Conversely, higher levels of academic self-efficacy decreased academic procrastination. Academic self-efficacy was also found to partially mediate the relationship between digital addiction and academic procrastination. The second model confirmed that addiction to digital media or tools negatively related to pre-service teachers’ ability to complete academic tasks on time. Similar to the first model, higher levels of academic self-efficacy were associated with lower levels of academic procrastination. As a result of the study, strategies based on literature were proposed to help pre-service teachers reduce digital addiction and enhance academic self-efficacy. It is believed that implementing these strategies will help students complete their academic tasks on time and improve their academic performance.


Pre-service teachers, Academic procrastination, Academic self-efficacy, Digital addiction.

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