Validation of the Compassion Fatigue Short Scale among Portuguese firefighters

Fabiana Rodrigues, Ana Bártolo, Daniela Sabino, Isabel M. Santos, Anabela Pereira, Carlos F. Silva, Joseph A. Boscarino, Richard E. Adams


This study aimed to adapt the Compassion Fatigue-Short Scale to Portugal and examine the reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of the scale (Pt-CF-Short Scale) among Portuguese firefighters. The factor structure of the Pt-CF-Short Scale was compared to the one-factor model fit and a two-factor model and second-order factor model in a sample of 512 firefighters. Confirmatory factor analysis procedures confirmed the good fit of a second-order factor model with two first-order factors (secondary trauma and job burnout). The Pt-CF-Short Scale showed good internal consistency evidence. The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K-10), the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and WHOQOOL-Bref were used as convergent measures to assess psychological distress, anxiety, depression, and interpersonal sensitivity and quality of life, respectively. The measure presented a strong correlation with psychological distress and weak and negative association with quality of life. The Pt-CF-Short Scale contributes to understanding compassion fatigue and its correlates within the context of emergency workers. Results indicate that this scale is a valid and reliable assessment tool in evaluating compassion fatigue.


Compassion fatigue, Firefighters, Validation, Psychometrics.

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