The relationships between empathy and social behaviours in middle childhood
Abstract: Concern for others’ welfare is part of normative development. However, some children respond to others’ distress with concern and helpful approaches, while others respond with suspicion, hostility, indifference. Although the literature around empathy has increased over the years, there isn’t a consensus over its associations with prosociality and internalizing or externalizing problems. A sample of 199 children (50.8% girls) between 10 and 15 years (M=12.05; SD=0.98), reported on their empathy and social behaviours using the QACE – Questionnaire to Assess Affective and Cognitive Empathy (Zoll & Enz, 2010) and the SDQ – Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Goodman, 1997) respectively. Our results indicate that girls were more prosocial and empathic, but also presented higher levels of internalizing problems, compared to boys. Affective but not cognitive empathy was related with internalizing problems. Cognitive empathy was significantly related with prosocial behaviour. No significant relations between empathy and externalizing behaviours were found.
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